Homeless people claimed a lack of income, addiction and failed relationships as reasons for living on the streets.

A trained census field worker gathers information from a homeless person in the Johannesburg CBD in 2022. Picture: Jacques Nelles
The number of homeless people in South Africa has outpaced the overall increase in population.
StatsSA released their Profile of Homeless Persons report on Wednesday, detailing data collected during the 2022 Census.
The report outlines the geographic concentration of homelessness, as well as the self-identified reasons given by census respondents.
Over 40 000 more homeless
StatsSA used the United Nations’ definition of homelessness, which separated rough sleepers into two categories.
Primary homelessness was categorised as those living on the streets with no shelter, while the second category were those living in transitional shelters.
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While 0.3% of 40.5 million South Africans lived on the streets or in shelters in 2011, 0.9% of 62 million South Africans were now doing so.
The number of homeless people counted by StatsSA in 2011 was 13 135, with the 2022 figure rising to 55 719.
“Although the homeless population constitutes less than 1% of the total population, the upward trend in homelessness depicts a phenomenon that has become a common, rather than an exceptional, experience to many South Africans over the last three decades,” stated StatsSA.
“It is therefore paramount that attention is given to policies and targeted interventions in response to the observed upward trend in homelessness in order to mitigate its impact,” the body continued.
Notably, the Statistician General told parliament in October 2023 that the 2022 Census had an undercount of 31%.
Gauteng is homeless hotspot
In attempting to count the homeless, census directors identified and confirmed hotspots and instructed fieldworkers to check under bridges, in parks, along river banks and in abandoned buildings, among other potential resting places.
“This was to ensure that enumerators covered targeted places to count this subpopulation without omission or duplication,” stated StatsSA.
The data collected shows that Gauteng has the greatest concentration of homeless people, with 45.6% of all homeless people in South Africa existing in the province.
In line with global trends, almost 75% of homeless people were found in metropolitan areas, with Tshwane, Johannesburg and Cape Town making up 18%, 15% and 11%, respectively.
Gauteng natives are most likely to stay in the province after suffering hardship, as 94% of the province’s homeless population were born there.
That number drops to 63% in the Western Cape and 11% in Eastern Cape, owing to the desire of being close to economic opportunities.
On the opposite end of the chart, Limpopo had the largest number of natives now living rough in Gauteng with 74% of the province’s total contribution.
As for foreign nationals, 7% of the 55 719 homeless people counted were foreign nationals — Lesotho and Zimbabwe the leading contributors with a 34% and 31% share, respectively.
Men twice as likely
StatsSA found men are becoming destitute at a greater rate than women. In 2011, there was a 60/40 split, which increased to 70/30 in 2022.
“Research shows that women’s homelessness is hidden by practices of women facing violence and exploitation finding alternative measures of avoiding sleeping on the streets. Such practices include staying with friends or acquaintances,” stated StatsSA.
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While the age-based distribution of homeless people remained relatively even with women, men aged between 30 and 34 made up the highest number affected – roughly 12%.
Additionally, the average age of homeless men was in the mid-thirties while the average of females was just 30. However, the average of women occupying homeless shelters was 44.
Tellingly, 84.5% of all homeless adults counted during the census were never married.
Education key
StatsSA considered social disintegration, housing shortages, rising housing costs and unemployment as leading contributors to the problem.
StatsSA gave those interviewed an opportunity to define for themselves why they found themselves living on streets or in shelters.
Just over two thirds – 66.1% cited the reason being them unable to afford accommodation due to not having the means to do so like a job or a form of income.
However, 11.7% of the homeless respondents — 14.5% of men and 4.4% of women — admitted that drug and alcohol problems were the cause of their predicament.
A further 8% said they were homeless due to arguments with friends and family, while another 3.2% cited domestic violence, divorce or separation.
Education was a key factor with 49% of homeless people not finishing high school, with a further 30% not going further than primary school.
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