Woodside Sanctuary face imminent closure unless they raise funds.
Woodside Sanctuary patient Heidi McLeod and general manager Kirsten Williams. Picture: Supplied.
After nearly seven decades of helping some of the most vulnerable in society, Woodside Sanctuary could soon be forced to close its doors.
The sanctuary, which offers hope and assistance to the disabled, only receives a subsidy of around R5 500 per month, per user. This is nearly a third less than other contracted service providers.
“Woodside is at a critical stage in its history, facing absolutely dire ongoing funding challenges. One of the major hurdles faced over the past few years has been the notable decline in donor funding,” explains general manager Kirsten Williams.
She told The Citizen, money woes have left Woodside with spiralling debt, and in need of over R2m “to save the sanctuary”.
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Operating expenses at the facility include salaries, utilities, food, medical care, and other administrative costs. It said cutting down on these expenses would compromise essential and sometimes life-saving services.
“Residents of our sanctuary in Cottesloe, Auckland Park, Johannesburg cannot be rehabilitated and reintegrated into the community because their disabilities are profound. They require lifelong care for even their most basics needs, like feeding, bathing, and changing,” says Williams.
Today, Woodside Sanctuary is home to 84 residents, ranging in age from 3 to over 67 years old. They are unable to stay with their families and need round-the-clock assistance from trained professionals.
Its residents are described as a family by Williams, each deserving a voice, dignity, and respect.
Woodside’s closure could add to an already overwhelmed and often criticised state healthcare system. It has also sparked fears of a repeat of tragedies, such as the Life Esidimeni disaster.
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Lee-Ann January, a parent of a patient at Woodside, described it as “not simply a place; but a sanctuary in the truest sense of the word”.
The Herndler Family said the facility’s staff had helped many get through difficult times.
“You’re very special to many families, thank you for all that you do, with an abundance of hard work and stamina. You have many responsibilities. Words are not enough to thank you for your strength, courage, and dedication. You deserve our applause, our thanks, and our respect.
“Your selfless service to the greater community helps us all get through tough times. Thank you for everything you are doing to help us. We depend on your strength and can never thank you enough.” the family said in a message to the sanctuary.
To make a donation to the sanctuary, you can use the below banking details:
Woodside Sanctuary
Standard Bank
Account Number: 201098784
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