Videos show roads in Parys barricade with rocks and burning tyres. Motorists have been advised to use alternate routes

Screen grab of the video of the protest in Parys in the Free State.
Motorists have been advised to use alternate routes in Parys following reports of protest action on Wednesday.
It is understood residents from the Tumahole township are protesting over the lack of water for almost two years.
Videos circulating on social media shows roads barricade with rocks and burning tyres.
Tumahole protest
Acting director for the Free State Emergency Services Sipho Towa told The Citizen they were informed of the protests over the lack of water.
“We were in meeting yesterday and were told residents would be embarking on a protest in Parys. We are monitoring the area and will have more details when available.”
ALSO READ: Case against four arrested for public violence in Parys postponed
School closed
The Weiveld School also advised parents to keep their children at home on Wednesday.
“Evening Parents. There will be no School on Wednesday 8 February 2023. This is for the safety of our learners, educators and staff members, due to the current situation in Tumahole. We apologies for any inconvenience,” the circular sent out to parents of learners in the Weiveld School read.
Last month, four suspects were arrested in connection with violent service delivery protests in Parys.
Angry residents barricaded roads with burning tyres and rocks and allegedly torched the house belonging to the family of mayor Victoria de Beer.
They appeared briefly on Wednesday in the Parys magistrate’s court on charges of arson and public violence where the case was postponed.
In total 12 suspects were arrested on Tuesday for public violence and more arrests are reportedly expected as investigations continue.
Calls for calm
At the time, Free State premier Sisi Ntombela called for calm following the protests in Tumahole and Kroonstad.
Ntombela called on residents, and particularly leaders of the protests, to ensure that discipline is maintained at all times to protect infrastructure.
“Our people enjoy and are protected by certain rights, such as the right to peacefully protest. However, these rights should not be abused and impede on the rights of others,” she said.
ALSO READ: WATCH: Makro employees protest over wages
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