
EFF’s publicity stunt ‘could crack’ Ekurhuleni alliance with ANC

Dunga sucker punched himself though he clearly intended to give the ANC and the ousted DA-led coalition government a slap.

Published by
By Hein Kaiser

It was a short-lived victory for the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Ekurhuleni, but the backlash may be longer lasting as its ANC bedmates remain furious over an ill-conceived waste-truck publicity stunt.

The party claimed the waste removal saga was due to, among others, 71 of the city’s 103 waste removal trucks missing in action. And while it may not mean the disintegration of the marriage between the two parties, the EFF-led coalition in Ekurhuleni may be on the verge of a downward spiral.

EFF-ANC meetings

An insider said meetings between the frenemies are planned for next week.


Sources inside council, beset with instability since the Democratic Alliance-led coalition assumed power in late 2021, speculated that while insults and punches may be thrown, the mutual dependence between the ANC and the EFF, to hold onto power, will be the glue that binds the wonky coalition together.

ALSO READ: EFF, ANC lock horns over ‘missing’ Ekurhuleni waste trucks

However, the EFF-led ANC coalition may end up faltering just like the DA-led coalition did, suggested a DA official.


Whereas the DA was accused of arrogance and ineffective leadership in the city, the EFF’s publicity hungry quest to prove that the party is capable of governing, is just as dangerous to coalition stability. The ANC does not like being shown up, or shut up, the source said.

ANC caucus leader and Ekurhuleni Council chief whip Jongisizwe Dlabathi had criticised the DA-led coalition and said that opposition parties’ single-minded objective – to keep the ANC out of power – was all very well.

But he claimed the DA-led coalition didn’t have a plan in place for, what it seemed at the time, the unlikely event that they may have ended up in power – which they did.


ALSO READWill ANC-EFF coalition fast-track Malema’s ambitions to be head of state in 2029?

Dlabathi said that this was one of the primary reasons that the previous DA-led coalition was unable to deliver to residents. It may hold true for the EFF, too.

Publicity stunt that backfires

Last week, the EFF-led coalition’s MMC for finance, Nkululeko Dunga, wheeled out allegations that the waste removal saga was due to more than R200 million in unpaid bills to contractors and that 71 waste removal trucks were missing in action.


It was a brave publicity stunt that backfired on Dunga and leader Julius Malema, who amplified the faux pas on Twitter. Dunga sucker punched himself though he clearly intended to give the ANC and the ousted DA-led coalition government a slap.

ALSO READEFF-ANC marriage bound to fail

The former DA MMC of waste management and environment, Brandon Pretorius, lashed out at the EFF this week.


“Fixing the waste crisis, caused by the ANC, was our primary objective. We initiated disciplinary proceedings against Faith Wotshela, the head of department for environmental resources and waste management.”

– news@citizen.co.za

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Published by
By Hein Kaiser