The party has appointed a provincial task team that will ensure a conference is held to elect a PEC.

Letters have been sent to the 155 members informing them of their illegal positions. Picture: Michel Bega
The African National Congress (ANC) provincial executive committee (PEC) in Mpumalanga has been dissolved.
This just a week before the party was expected to hold its provincial elective conference between the 11th and 13th of March, where it was expected to pronounce its choice of leaders to be elected during the party’s 55th elective conference later this year.
President Cyril Ramaphosa will reportedly go to the province in Ehlanzeni region on Monday.
According to the ANC’s constitution, the provincial conference should be held at least once every four years and more often if requested by at least one third of all branches in good standing in the province.
The conference is also expected to elect the provincial chairperson, deputy chairperson, secretary, deputy secretary, treasurer, and the 30 additional members of the PEC, who will hold office for four years.
The current PEC of the ANC in Mpumalanga was elected at the provincial conference held in December 2015. The term of office of the PEC has now expired.
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In a meeting last Monday, the national executive committee decided to dissolve the ANC in Mpumalanga and that a provincial task team be appointed in the meantime.
According to the ruling party, the provincial task team will fulfil the functions of the PEC and will be responsible, among others, for ensuring that a provincial conference is held to elect a PEC.
“In terms of Rule 2.2.4 the NEC shall: Ensure that the provincial, regional and branch structures of the ANC and the leagues function democratically and effectively. The PEC shall not exceed a period of three months. The election of a PEC, which had been dissolved, shall be called within 9 months from the date of dissolution. The NEC must appoint an interim structure during the period of suspension of the dissolution of the PEC to fulfil the functions of the PEC.”
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