The DA criticises the ANC-led government's response to Mopani's bilharzia outbreak as inadequate, calling it “too little too late.”
Medical microscopy animal parasiteras schistosome blood flukes. Picture: iStock
The DA says the ANC-led government’s reaction to the bilharzia outbreak in Mopani district by forming a provincial task team is “too little too late”.
In one incident, more than 140 pupils from Malwandla Primary School were diagnosed and are receiving treatment.
Government addresses bilharzia outbreak
The government established a provincial task team, comprising representatives from various entities, mandated to coordinate efforts to contain the outbreak and provide medical care.
The Limpopo provincial government advised residents to refrain from swimming in rivers or any potentially contaminated water sources, ensure that any water used for drinking was boiled or treated and urged them to monitor their children for any symptoms of bilharzia and seek medical attention if they noticed any symptoms.
The DA accused the provincial government and municipalities of neglecting their responsibility to strengthen compliance to environmental legislation and improve enforcement in their municipal boundaries.
“This negligence by municipalities coupled by their failure to provide safe potable water has led to water systems that are badly polluted and a danger to communities, an example of this is the Letsitele river,” said DA provincial chair Lindy Wilson.
“The department of education’s failure to provide a healthy learning environment and appropriate sanitation and water infrastructure at schools is likely what led to the 140 pupils being infected.”
ALSO READ: Limpopo pupils hit by bilharzia outbreak
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