Over the weekend it dawned on me that I have crafted a new bucket list which completely revolves around a baby.
Many decades ago, Cindy Crawford and Madonna topped my list.
Yes, I know, it’s not something anyone should admit to but in my defence, I was young, naive and I dreamt big.
Somewhere along the way a Ferrari also featured, as well as a yacht and a plane.
As grandfather to the threeweek-old Olive, I have been thinking a lot about all the things we will be doing.
Over the weekend it dawned on me that I have crafted a new bucket list which completely revolves around a baby who, at this stage of her life, is still oblivious to my existence.
I cannot wait to introduce her to the world of camping. Pitching a little two-person tent in the back yard, eating hot dogs and roasting marshmallows, watching the stars make their nightly appearance as the sun goes to bed and
probably carrying her inside before 10 when she gets scared and wants her mommy.
Another treat will most definitely be her first tea party. I can imagine us making the most awesome mud cakes, pretending to sip imaginary tea from toy cups and saucers and then handing grandmother a tray full of dirty,
not so imaginary, dishes.
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Teaching her to ride a bike, eventually removing the training wheels and watching her face light up with pride when she realises she’s doing it all by herself, is also on my list.
So is her first day at school, when she’ll be wearing her shiny new shoes, a snow-white shirt and a school case which I will have to help her carry.
But I am not a selfish person. And now that I am considering starting to grow up, I accept that Grandma will obviously get her share of magic moments.
I have allocated her a number of major events which she can take charge of, like the first time Olive slams her bedroom door shut in anger, her first tantrum in a shopping mall when she doesn’t get everything she desires and,
obviously, when she asks where babies come from.
Before all this, though, she will need to be potty trained. That I’ll leave to her parents.
ALSO READ: 10 unique stays in South Africa to add to your bucket list
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