We tend to rely too much on miracles from other countries: the WHO must save us from Covid, the IMF must grant us loans, the Chinese must come and build new roads…
Lines at the voting station in Saulsville in Attidgeville, Tshwane. South African voted today in the 6th general elections since 1994 after the end of Apartheid. (Photo by Gallo Images / Alet Pretorius)
I was worried about Princess Charlene of Monaco.
The 43-year-old SA born princess was admitted to a Durban hospital last week.

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View Map“They say she collapsed due to complications from an ear, nose and throat infection at the lodge where she stayed,” I told the lovely Snapdragon.
“Apparently she was in Mzansi to raise awareness around rhino poaching. It’s funny that anyone thinks South Africans need to be made aware of poaching.”
“Princess or not, someone as tough as an Olympic swimmer won’t just collapse from an infection,” Snapdragon said cynically.
“If you ask me, she probably had decuplets and Piet Rampedi is writing the scoop as we speak.”
“It’s possible,” I said.
“But I don’t think the world needs more European princes and princesses cavorting from continent to continent. The important issue is Charlene’s nationality.”
“What?” Snapdragon asked.
She tends to be somewhat critical towards attractive blonde princesses. I think she resents me for not being a prince.
“If she really has such a terrible infection, she won’t be able to travel soon. That raises a few questions: is she still a SA citizen? Does she have a green barcode ID? If she’s here in two months’ time, she’ll have to vote.”
“Hmmmm…” said Snapdragon.
“That may just be a way to get rid of useless, corrupt councillors. Bring the expats back to vote.”
She started counting the potential voters on her fingers: “There’s Charlize, Trevor Noah, Elon Musk, Pamela Uba…”
“Even if you include all the thousands of South Africans who now live abroad, it won’t make much of a difference,” I told her.
“It’s up to us here in Mzansi to change things at the ballot box.”
Which, of course, is true. We tend to rely too much on miracles from other countries: the WHO must save us from Covid, the IMF must grant us loans, the Chinese must come and build new roads…
“If you want something done properly,” my late father used to tell me, “you have to do it yourself.”
If we, the citizens of South Africa, want a better country, we must change it ourselves. Although I would still like Princess Charlene to vote if she’s still here by 1 November.
I’m sure she won’t battle to find a babysitter for the decuplets.
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