Our president and his merry cadres have failed us dismally

South African President and President of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) Cyril Ramaphosa (C) cuts a large cake alongside other senior party members during the ANC’s 113th anniversary celebrations at a large open field in the Khayelitsha area of Cape Town on January 11, 2025. (Photo by Rodger Bosch / AFP)
Last week I wrote an open letter to the president of South Africa but I doubt he read it.
Anyway, I didn’t listen to his Sona address either.
As suspected, it was once again filled with empty words and broken promises aimed at pacifying an increasingly restive population – and a progressively more disappointed and wary international community.
Even though it was delivered on behalf of the new GNU, it was mostly a repeat of the previous Sonas but with a date change.
It was about talking and blaming others for the current and future failures while challenging powerful states and their investments in the country.
The president’s selected, but shrinking, group of democracy-denying, white-hating, anti-West elite cadres has taken SA down a path of socialist wokeness to ensure they can continue ruling for themselves.
Every failure they purposefully engineer is blamed on apartheid and a lack of inclusiveness, diversity and transformation.
Really? Apartheid is long dead, except in the minds of those who refuse to accept accountability for our current and pending failures, Instead, they blame it for everything that is going wrong.
We are faced with a lack of accountability by our leaderless politicians.
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A country that ought to – after 30 years of crony rule – be an example of success has become an example of failure.
It is a country where failure is rewarded with promotions.
It is a sick joke run by greedy cadres unable to stop their ravenous corruption. In brief, our president and his merry cadres have failed us dismally. We have a government with a lack of positive leadership and no sense of shame.
It is a government that only works for loyal faction members and to hell with the rest of the citizens.
But the government has a ‘plan’: it will punish the remaining taxpayers and establish a new “transformation fund” to replace the money they mismanaged, lost, squandered and stole. After all, 30 years of plundering must be rectified and the innocent punished as harshly as possible.
The world has finally woken up to the corrupt, greedy, incompetent government we have.
No longer are they taken in by the continually claimed victimhood of the members of faction in the party.
The true victims are the people of South Africa who have to suffer under this group of antiquated failures.
SA businessmen, industrialists, farmers and investors are looking to relocate elsewhere to where they can actually do business, farm, employ people on merit and make a profit.
Foreign investors are hesitant to invest in South Africa as they don’t want to give away a large percentage of their company to those who certainly don’t deserve it.
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They expect people to prove their worth as they base their success on merit and not on party membership and race.
But then they must also pay an additional tax for the latest bank to be robbed – the “transformation fund”.
Really? Who would be that dumb? The case of Elon Musk’s Starlink is a good example of GNU stupidity.
Musk is unwilling to give away a large percentage of his company to freeloaders.
It is also proof that the government doesn’t want people in isolated areas to have access to the internet, learning material, and world news.
Plus, it will impact on the shares they hold in our current cellphone providers.
Why is the government committed to forcing companies to give away large percentages of their companies? Why isn’t it encouraging people to start their own companies? Why does it applaud failure and attack success?
Under the ruling party’s misguided Soviet-era ideology, they have failed the country, its people, and its allies.
They have taken us the full circle: from an isolated and despised apartheid South Africa to an international darling after the dawn of democracy to an increasingly failing, isolated and pariah state.
Following their failed Radical Economic Transformation programme, they have successfully impoverished the country’s citizens, while building their personal wealth portfolios for the past 20 years.
With all of the potential to make South Africa a truly great and wealthy country, the government has instead decided to turn it into a failing, crime-ridden pariah state.
And in this kakistocracy, meritocracy has no place. This sad approach to governing a country is more concerned with gaining personal wealth, promoting incompetence and furthering the factional ideology, not that of our country.
But we also need to be cognisant of the fact that this what we voted for; crime, corruption, incompetent departments, increased economic isolation and more. We voted for a government to rule for itself and not its people.
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