Meanwhile, water supply in the Johannesburg CBD and surrounds may also be affected after a power outage at Hector Norris pump station.

Tap. Water crisis illustration. Picture: iStock
Johannesburg Water has warned of little to no water in several parts of Johannesburg on Sunday as it battles high demand, unplanned maintenance, and outages.
Water levels at seven reservoirs and one water tower were critically low on Saturday evening, with the utility closing outlets overnight to build capacity for the following day.
“Our technical teams are actively monitoring all network systems, and despite the reconfiguration efforts, some systems are still unable to meet the rising demand,” it added.
At least 370 areas and more than 75 800 properties could be affected.
It also sent a message out to residents in the city explaining that water consumption had increased around 8% in the period between 24 December and 25 January, and asking for cooperation.
“We plead with residents to partner with Johannesburg Water to conserve water.”
These are the systems that are critically low, and the areas that may be affected:
Forest Hill Tower | Bellavista Estate Chrisville Foresthill Glenanda Klipriviersberg Estate S.H. Lindberg Park Linmeyer Robertsham Turffontein Turf Club Gillview Gillview Ext.1 Haddon Haddon Ext.1 Kenilworth Kenilworth Ext.1, 3 Oakdene Oakdene Ext.1,5,13,14, 15, 16, 19 Rosettenville Rossettenville Ext Rosettenville Ext’s.2,3,4,5,6 Southdale Ext.2 The Hill The Hill Ext’s 1,5,6,7,9,11 Towerby Towerby Ext’s 1, 2,3,4,5 Towsenview Towsenview Ext.2 West Turffontein West Turffontein Ext.2 Winchester Hills Ext 3 |
Doornkop Reservoir | Thulani Ext.2 Lufhereng Ext.1 Dobsonville Ext.9 Thulani Ext.1 Thulani Doornkop Ext.3 Protea Glen Ext.1 Protea Glen Ext.2 Protea Glen Ext.4 Doornkop Ext.1 Doornkop Protea City Dobsonville Gardens Doornkop Ext.2 Protea Glen Protea Glen Ext.7 Protea Glen Ext.8 Lufhereng |
Jabulani Reservoir | Tladi Moroka North Dube Ext.2 Chiawelo Ext.1 Jabavu Central Western Mofolo South Ext.1 Orlando West Molapo Klipspruit Ext.2 Phiri Senaoane Chiawelo Dhlamini Ext.2 Jabavu Ext.3 Dhlamini Ext.1 Jabavu Ext.1 Jabavu Dhlamini Ext.5 Dhlamini Ext.4 Dhlamini Moletsane Chiawelo Ext.2 Mapetla Ext.1 Mapetla Orlando West Ext Chiawelo Ext.3 Protea North Ext.1 Moroka Jabulani Jabulani Ext.1 Jabavu Central Western Ext.1 Dube Mofolo South Jabavu Ext.2 Mofolo Central |
Illovo Reservoir | Sandown Ext.50 Willowild Ext.2 Willowild Ext.1 Hyde Park Ext.43 Morningside Ext.35 Morningside Ext.163 Morningside Ext.132 Morningside Ext.86 Morningside Ext.87 Morningside Ext.148 Morningside Ext.75 Morningside Ext.127 Morningside Ext.115 Morningside Ext.109 Morningside Ext.107 River Club Ext.15 Morningside Ext.147 Morningside Ext.137 Morningside Ext.83 Morningside Ext.74 River Club Ext.17 Morningside Ext.135 Morningside Ext.10 Morningside Ext.82 Morningside Ext.43 Morningside Ext.49 Morningside Ext.34 Morningside Ext.57 Eastgate Ext.12 Morningside Ext.29 Parkmore Ext.1 Morningside Hills Strathavon Ext.7 Hurl Park Strathavon Ext.17 Morningside Ext.48 Morningside Ext.15 Strathavon Ext.8 Morningside Ext.91 Strathavon Ext.26 Strathavon Ext.6 Morningside Ext.4 Strathavon Ext.22 Strathavon Ext.15 Morningside Ext.121 Morningside Ext.30 Strathavon Ext.32 Strathavon Ext.12 Strathavon Ext.4 Strathavon Ext.16 Morningside Ext.27 Sandown Ext.7 Strathavon Ext.39 Strathavon Ext.5 Morningside Ext.72 Sandown Ext.10 Strathavon Ext.13 Morningside Ext.50 Strathavon Ext.38 Sandown Ext.34 Morningside Ext.65 Sandown Ext.23 Morningside Ext.55 Strathavon Ext.29 Strathavon Ext.30 Sandown Ext.46 Sandown Ext.53 Sandown Ext.12 Sandown Ext.44 Dennehof Hurlingham Ext.7 Hurlingham Ext.6 Atholl Ext.20 Hyde Park Ext.39 Hyde Park Ext.24 Hyde Park Ext.42 Morningside Ext.142 Morningside Ext.21 Morningside Ext.123 Morningside Ext.59 Hyde Park Ext.32 Morningside Ext.6 Sandown Ext.15 Sandown Ext.11 Sandown Ext.18 Strathavon A.H. Bryanston Ext.80 River Club Ext.20 Hyde Park Ext.23 Hurlingham Ext.9 Duxberry Morningside Ext.108 Morningside Ext.40 Morningside Ext.129 Morningside Ext.54 Morningside Ext.96 Morningside Ext.185 Hyde Park Ext.89 Hyde Park Ext.47 Hyde Park Ext.73 Hyde Park Ext.59 Hyde Park Ext.22 Hyde Park Ext.31 Atholl Ext.21 Atholl Ext.11 Strathavon Willowild Inanda Ext.4 Hurlingham Ext.5 Morningside Ext.7 Morningside Ext.186 Duxberry Ext.1 Bordeaux Morningside Ext.175 Morningside Ext.60 Kramerville Morningside Manor Morningside Ext.53 Morningside Ext.81 Morningside Ext.38 Morningside Ext.24 Morningside Ext.37 Morningside Ext.9 Morningside Ext.8 Morningside Ext.102 Morningside Ext.58 Morningside Ext.106 Morningside Ext.64 Morningside Ext.63 Morningside Ext.41 Wendywood Ext.5 Morningside Ext.73 Morningside Ext.11 Morningside Ext.105 Morningside Ext.25 Morningside Ext.70 Morningside Ext.136 Wendywood Ext.3 Morningside Ext.144 Morningside Ext.84 Morningside Ext.3 Morningside Ext.13 Morningside Ext.157 Morningside Ext.113 Morningside Ext.36 Morningside Ext.89 Eastgate Ext.9 Eastgate Ext.4 Eastgate Ext.17 Morningside Ext.97 Morningside Ext.110 Morningside Ext.180 Morningside Ext.179 Morningside Ext.176 Morningside Ext.182 Benmore Gardens Ext.6 Morningside Ext.183 Morningside Ext.145 Morningside Ext.126 Eastgate Ext.23 Sandown Ext.47 Benmore Gardens Dalecross Benmore Gardens Ext.1 Strathavon Ext.37 Morningside Ext.39 Morningside Ext.5 Sandown Sandown Ext.19 Sandown Ext.38 Dennehof Ext.1 Sandown Ext.54 Atholl Ext.19 Atholl Ext.9 Illovo Ext.2 Hyde Park Ext.40 Hyde Park Ext.45 Hyde Park Ext.52 Hyde Park Ext.78 Hyde Park Ext.82 Hyde Park Ext.51 Hyde Park Ext.56 Hyde Park Ext.94 Morningside Ext.170 Hyde Park Ext.112 Strathavon Ext.14 Sandown Ext.36 Strathavon Ext.40 Strathavon Ext.25 Wynberg Ext.4 Strathavon Ext.2 Sandown Ext.20 Strathavon Ext.34 Strathavon Ext.3 Strathavon Ext.35 Sandown Ext.51 Simba Wynberg Ext.3 Atholl Ext.12 Sandown Ext.6 Strathavon Ext.11 Sandown Ext.5 Sandown Ext.3 Atholl Gardens Atholl Ext.13 Atholhurst Ext.1 Barlow Park Eastgate Ext.20 Strathavon Ext.43 Sandown Ext.56 Wynberg Ext.1 Morningside Ext.153 Morningside Ext.156 Morningside Ext.160 Morningside Ext.71 Morningside Ext.26 Morningside Ext.76 Morningside Ext.167 Morningside Ext.178 Morningside Ext.51 Morningside Ext.171 Morningside Ext.42 River Club Ext.18 River Club Ext.16 Morningside Ext.140 Morningside Ext.78 Morningside Ext.151 Hyde Park A. Settlement Bramley North Ext.1 Chislehurston Hyde Park Ext.44 Sandhurst Ext.6 Morningside Ext.94 Morningside Ext.12 Morningside Ext.22 Morningside Ext.124 Morningside Ext.18 Morningside Ext.56 Morningside Ext.44 Morningside Ext.45 Hyde Park Ext.110 Morningside Ext.138 Hyde Park Ext.28 Hyde Park Ext.55 Morningside Ext.166 Inanda Sandown Ext.52 Sandown Ext.45 Sandown Ext.55 Hyde Park Ext.106 Sandown Ext.2 Sandown Ext.17 Craighall Atholl Ext.5 River Club Ext.27 Eastgate Ext.13 Benmore Gardens Ext.3 Sunset Acres Ext.1 Sandhurst Ext.3 Sandown Ext.4 Morningside Ext.17 Wendywood Ext.14 Atholl Atholhurst Elton Hill Ext.5 Illovo Benmore Gardens Ext.2 Hyde Park Hyde Park Ext.21 River Club Ext.29 Littlefillan A.H. Marlboro Wendywood Ext.4 Morningside Ext.20 Morningside Ext.119 Morningside Ext.158 Strathavon Ext.28 Eastgate Strathavon Ext.10 Strathavon Ext.23 Eastgate Ext.7 Atholl Ext.1 Atholl Ext.3 Atholl Ext.6 Glen Atholl Atholl Ext.7 Morningside Ext.165 Sunset Acres Strathavon Ext.1 Strathavon Ext.33 Sandown Ext.9 Hyde Park Ext.72 Morningside Ext.80 Morningside Ext.177 Hurlingham Inanda Ext.2 Inanda Ext.3 Sandown Ext.24 Strathavon Ext.18 Strathavon Ext.31 Wynberg Sandhurst Hurlingham Ext.1 Hurlingham Ext.2 Hurlingham Gardens Wendywood Ext.8 Glenadrienne Clynton Riepenpark Sandhurst Ext.5 Parkmore Elton Hill Ext.1 Wierda Valley Morningside Northernacres Morningside A.H. Ext.1 Morningside Ext.184 Morningside Ext.88 Morningside Ext.66 Morningside Ext.52 Morningside Ext.79 Morningside Ext.103 Morningside A.H. Morningside Ext.114 Atholl Ext.4 Sandown Ext.13 Sandown Ext.49 Hyde Park Ext.97 Morningside Ext.116 Wierda Valley Ext.1 Morningside Ext.169 |
Lawley Reservoir Ennerdale Reservoir | Ennerdale South Ennerdale Ext.15 Ennerdale Ennerdale Ext.11 Ennerdale Ext.12 Ennerdale Ext.13 Ennerdale Ext.2 Ennerdale Ext.6 Ennerdale Ext.14 Finetown Grasmere Ennerdale Ext.10 Ennerdale Ext.5 Mid-Ennerdale Ennerdale Ext.1 Ennerdale Ext.3 Ennerdale Ext.8 Ennerdale Ext.9 Lawley Ext.1 Lawley Ext.2 Ennerdale Ext.9 Lawley Estate |
Steyn City Reservoir | Steyn City Dainfern Dainfern Valley Dainfern Ridge Parts of Diepsloot |
Berea Reservoir | De Wetshof Ext.1 Observatory Ext Oospoort Ext.1 Bruma De Wetshof Cyrildene Bezuidenhout Valley Bertrams Lorentzville Judith’s Paarl Troyeville |
More issues at Hector Norris Pump station
A week after maintenance started on the Hector Norris Pumpstation, it was completed on Friday. Work on the station, which supplies the Johannesburg CBD and surrounding areas, was scheduled for three days but was hit by several delays.
The station ran into challenges again on Saturday when an unplanned power outage from City Power impacted operations at it and Yeoville pump station.
“Pumping will resume once power is restored, and technicians from City Power are actively working to resolve the issue. We will provide further updates as soon as they become available.
“Please note, the ongoing repairs on the C12 delivery pipeline from Hector Norris Pump Station do not affect water supply to the Johannesburg CBD,” Johannesburg Water said of the disruption.
Johannesburg Water warned of low water pressure or no water in areas that get their water from the stations.
These may include
- Johannesburg CBD
- Newtown
- Selby
- Jeppestown
- Doorfontein
- Forest Hill
- Turfontein
- Rossetenville
- La Rochelle
- Turf Club
- Kenilworth
- Towerby
- De Wetshof
- Observatory
- Bruma
- Cyrildene
- Bezuidenhout Valley
- Betrams
- Lorentzville
- Judith’s Paarl
- Troyville
- Parktown
- Victoria
- Linksfield
- Glenhazel
- Rouxille
- Highlands North
- Sandringham
- Percelia Estate
- Fairmount
- Talboton
- Rouxville
- Glensan
- Dunhill
- Abbotsford
- Oaklands
- Melrose
- Cheltondale
- Houghton
- Waverley
- Saxonwold
- Hyde Park
- Illovo
- Parkview
- Killarney
- Craighall
- Hursthill
- Crown (Industrial)
- Fordsburg
- Mayfair
- Berea
- Forest Town
- Kensington
- Mountain View
- New Doornfontein
- Bramfontein
- Hillbrow
- Yeoville
- Malvern
- Amalgam
- Amalgam Ext
- Burghersdorp Ext. 1
- City West
- Crown
- Crown City
- Crown City Ext
- Crown Ext
- Crown North
- Homestead Park
- Micor Industrial
- Paarlshoop
- Selby Ext
- Albertville Ext. 2
- Coronationville
- Greymont
- Martindale
- Montclare
- Newclare
- Newlands
- Triomf
- Westbury
- Westdene
- Albertville Ext. 1
- Emmarentia
- Melville
- Richmond
- Greenside
- Montgomery Park
More disruptions on Monday
Residents in Johannesburg CBD, Newtown, Selby, Jeppestown, and Doornfontein will also have water disruptions on Monday, said the utility, because of the installation of a new meter at the Hector Norris pump station.
Water crisis: Ramaphosa promises action
President Cyril Ramaphosa last week spoke on the water supply crisis in his State of the Nation Address (Sona), acknowledging that urgent action was needed.
He promised that government would end water issues like it has power problems.
“When we go around the country, the elderly tell us how much they need water. The government will give them water … As we did with electricity, I know, and I am hopeful, that we will resolve the water crisis we have,” he added.
Wayne Duvenage from the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) told The Citizen that the government was to blame for crisis it was now trying to fix.
“The root cause of most of the issues and crises that we face today is the result of poor planning and lack of accountability of leaders who lack vision and long-term planning, with many simply being out of touch with what is required to manage these environments,” he argued.
Additional reporting by Enkosi Selane
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