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  1. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    Good work!!

    So how much are you guys paying using USD and US gallons...

    My guess...6 USD per US Gallon????

    What percentage of your price do you pay in taxes?

    Damn...what kind of car gets 65 miles per gallon?.....they would outlaw it for some reason in the USA...LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2010
  2. crazyazaindian

    crazyazaindian Porn Star Suspended!

    Apr 22, 2007
    the closest station to me is selling gas at $2.60 a gallon and i drive a sable with a 3.0L v-6 with a 16 gallon fuil tank and i can drive it to 500 miles on a tank of fuil
  3. basher1

    basher1 Porn Star

    Jan 16, 2007
    Couldn't care about "litres" cause i deal in gallons. My math sucks most of the time anyways, but the closer you live to the fuel distributors, the less you pay cause the transportation to those pumps are short. Versus the farther away you are from the distributors, the more you have to pay to compensate for the cost of shipping the fuel that far. hence it has absolutely nothing to do with demand at all like we've all been told since the $4.75 summer 2 years ago here; $7.59 for you Brits. All thanks to the Saudi's getting greedy according to the liberal media here in the NE.

    I was driving a 1998 Buick Century with a 3.1L V6 w/180hp which got about 16-20mpg highway, 13mpg city. After upgrading to a 2010 Chevrolet Cobalt with an EcoTech 2.2L w/210hp automatic, i'm seeing 35-40mpg highway, 28-32mpg city. That's already saving me $55/wk in fuel expenses with gas at $2.75/gallon right now as compared to the Buick!
  4. big.ben

    big.ben Porno Junky

    Jul 20, 2008
    Well i am taking a guess from my previous calculation, if i worked out your paying 45 pence per litre that equals to $2.60 per US Gallon,i am going to times 0.45 by 2.5 as this equals to about 1.13, which is close enough to what we pay ( 0.45 x 2.5 = 1.13 rounded up ) so basically i will do $2.60 x 2.5 = $6.50 per US Gallon.

    I heard that for every £1.15 we pay, about £0.90 goes to the government, my dad works at a station and he says his company make about 1-2pence per litre profit.
  5. <MisterX>

    <MisterX> Sex Machine

    Jun 22, 2010
    $2.69 USD per gallon.
    My truck is a 4.7 L V8 4x4. 17mpg
  6. cupofjeaux

    cupofjeaux Porn Surfer

    Jul 9, 2009
    Dodge Cummins Diesel 6.7L 4x4

    Modded heavily. 450hp at the wheels. 35" Mud Tires

    18.5 mpg unloaded

    12-13 mpg towing heavily (14-18000lb loads)

    36 US gallon factory tank

    45 US gallon auxilary tank

    81 US gallons total.

    ~1500 mile between fill ups. $240.00 (roundabout) cost for 81 gallons of diesel

    Right now its around 2.90 a gallon
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2010
  7. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    It is sad that those on the end of gas sales make no money...our guys make around 3 cents per gallon.

    Because of that there are no more just gas only stations and they all have stores selling overpriced coffee cokes candy chips and whatnots....
  8. gasstationguy

    gasstationguy Porn Surfer

    Feb 18, 2009
    $3.34 gallon @ 37 gallons about $125.00 to fill up average $75.00 - $100.00 a day.

    5.4L V8 Service Truck @ 11mpg
  9. big.ben

    big.ben Porno Junky

    Jul 20, 2008
    it is the same here, and to answer your last question about the 65mpg car, it is a Renault Clio 1.5 dci, it only has 100bhp, plus the tax is cheap aswell at £30 per year.

    Heres how my two last cars compare:

    Vauxhall Mk4 Astra SRi,
    2.2 Petrol
    33mpg combined
    £235 tax per year
    £55 per week fuel bill
    Insurance £980 for 10 months!

    Renault Clio
    1.5 dci ( common rail system ) 100bhp
    65mpg combined
    £30 tax per year
    £55 fuel bill per 3 weeks
    Insurance £400 for 12 months

    So as you can see with the way our government tax and charge us rediculous amounts for fuel and insurance companies charging us stupidly most of us cant afford to run nice cars. I needed a good economic car as i do over 300 miles a week, if fuel prices were at about £0.85 per litre like they used to be ( about 12 years ago ) i dont think i would have to get rid of my Astra
  10. Ed Itor

    Ed Itor dusted

    Jul 13, 2009
    The high co$t is all Bushes fault, if they hadn't caused the wars we'd still be paying under a dollar/gal. :twisted:
  11. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    Why the FUCK dont we have cars like that in the USA...!!!!

    Man I( would look at that......over here you want to get 40 mpg you have to pay 30,000 plus....

    It is cheaper to buy and old car for nothing and pay a little more for gas than to pay too much for one that gets good milage....this country is fucking nuts...

    here is a review on your car...they look nice also


  12. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008
    I lived in England for 7 years and can understand why people are so shocked are gas prices in US. However what you need to realize that the monthly bill for someone living in Europe and someone living in US is almost the same, despite the huge price difference.

    In UK I would hardly ever drive more than 5-10 miles to get to work. Everything there is much more compact, things are not spaced out, therefore people do not drive long distances. In Us, the average commute when I used to work for the man was 50 miles a day round trip. Plus in most suburbs here you can not walk to a supermarket. In Miami, the nearest supermarket I had was 3 miles away. So there is a reason why price of gas here is so much cheaper. If it was the same as UK there would be a revolt. People would take up arms and rob gas stations. My monthly gas bill in UK was almost the same as my gas bill here. Granted here I drive one of the last of British made cars, which is somewhat of a guzzler for a sedan, but still.

    Loyal to Coventry. Coventry FC supporter, Cov Uni grad, Coventry inked, and Coventry made car. Wish Britain could go back to the great car manufacturing days. Big fan of British cars.
  13. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    I like the cut of your jib sir. :-x

    I drove a pretty modded cummins in highschool and when I did construction I always had a halfway modded powerstroke. On my work pickups all I was allowed was a edge power programmer and exhaust upgrade. They wouldn't pay for anything more. :(

    And mine always got f'in horrible mileage. I'd get around 13 empty on my powerstrokes. (empty was with a utility bed full of tools though, pickups weighed around 16 thousand pounds "empty") and get around 9-10 towing our tandem dually equipment trailer. My 7.3l was a good one, less zip but lasted longer. The 6.0l had a lot of snap but wore out in under 150 thousand miles.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2010
  14. Oweena

    Oweena Porn Star

    Sep 11, 2007
    I have a Ford Mini Van that gets 28 mpg. As I use it in my Business as service vehicle, I have to fill it every day at an average of 9 to 12 gallons per day at @ 2.639. Most weeks I spend $74 + American Dollars just to haul my equipment around. That's about 785 US Miles a week.

    My play vehicle doesn't do as good. 5.5 gals an hour. But who cares it's only money and I'm spending my kids inheritance.
  15. cijababe

    cijababe Virtual Mistress

    Jun 4, 2009
    What I don't understand is how high the MPG is on US vehicles - surely if you are doing so many miles it would make sense to have more fuel efficient engines?
  16. blupwr

    blupwr Porn Star

    Sep 12, 2008
    last time i filled up it was about 2.55 usd/per gal i believe.

    get about 25-30miles to the gallon i think
  17. Deleted User kekw

    Deleted User kekw Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 28, 2008
    Just curious:

    Is the gas mixed with ethanol in Europe? If so, what %?
  18. HardHead

    HardHead Porn Star

    Jul 25, 2008
  19. basher1

    basher1 Porn Star

    Jan 16, 2007

    don't know about Europe, but up here in Maine it's 10%. Not sure if that differs from state to state.
  20. Tom_from_northumberland

    Tom_from_northumberland OLD NOT BUT OBSOLETE

    Oct 13, 2008
    Europe is 5 t0 10%

    this is why people are starving in the world and cant afford food the west buys it up and makes it in to fuel