3. Exercise

While it is true that doing exercise takes energy, the surprising thing is that the fitter you get, the more energy exercise actually gives you. Even if you’re not a gifted sportsperson, regularly getting your heart rate up through things like walking, dancing or swimming are all very effective ways to keep you healthy, and get the endorphins flowing to give you a more positive outlook.
4. Do something creative

People often think being creative is reserved for fine artists like painters or sculptors. But creativity comes in many different forms, which could include anything from gardening or baking to interior design or dancing.
Taking time to get in touch with your creative side is an excellent way of energising yourself and rediscovering a natural joy of life that comes so naturally to us as children, and that many of us lose once we become adults.
5. Keep a journal

Writing down your thoughts on paper can be an effective way of processing the thoughts in your head, and making sense of anxious or stressful times in your life.
In The Artist’s Way, author Julia Cameron suggests you take 10-15 minutes of your morning as soon as you wake up to write down any thoughts that come to mind. These “morning pages” then become a way of clearing out any repetitive or “junk” thoughts on your head so that you feel clearer, more focused and more content.
6. Pamper yourself

With the busy lives we all lead, not many of us give ourselves permission to treat ourselves. This could mean different things to different women.
Maybe it’s a day at the spa getting a hot stone massage, or perhaps it’s taking an hour or two for a really decadent manicure/pedicure (such as the Africology manicure/pedicures offered by YouBar which are almost like mini spa days!).
Or, maybe it’s simply getting your hair blow-dried on a Monday morning before work. Whatever it is, consider blocking out time in your diary once a month to find that special pampering session that makes you feel groomed and good about yourself.
Looking after yourself also doesn’t mean being selfish – in fact, it’s the opposite. It’s that old saying that an air hostess tells you at the beginning of a flight: in case of emergency, make sure your oxygen mask is on yourself first before helping someone else with theirs.
In the same way, giving yourself permission to recharge and refresh means you’ll feel more content, more energised and more productive, which in turn means you’ll have a whole lot more energy to give to those around you.
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