Black Dads Unplugged is creating space for fathers to talk, listen, learn, and, most importantly, show up—for themselves, their children, and for each other.

Black Dads Unplugged is holding up space for fathers to talk, listen, learn, and most importantly, show up — for themselves, for their children, and for each other. Picture: Getty Images
Necessity is the mother of invention, they say, and looking at the latest figures from Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) — which paint a grim picture of black children in the country — there is a strong need for a positive narrative on black fathers.
In its Marginalised Groups Indicator Report for 2023, published on Tuesday, Stats SA revealed that 45.4% of black children do not live with their fathers due to the absence or death of black fathers.
It states that 31.5% lived with both their biological parents, while 19% lived with neither.
ALSO READ: Stats SA paints grim picture for black children in South Africa
A call to dads to act
Reflecting on these figures, Black Dad Unplugged CEO Azola Mzekandaba said he saw the numbers as a call to action.
“This, for us, we saw it as a call to action. On the other hand, we’re looking at a new generation which is looking to break these negative statistics. That’s why we exist,” he told The Citizen.
Described as a movement, Black Dads Unplugged is holding up space for fathers to talk, listen, learn, and, most importantly, show up—for themselves, their children, and for each other.
“Black Dads Unplugged aims to create a supportive platform for black fathers by providing them with educational workshops and essentially a campaign to raise awareness,” said CEO of Black Dads Unplugged, Azola Mzekandaba.
“We recognise that there is a lack of present and active fathers, but we know that there are a lot of fathers, especially in our generation, who are quite active and present, and we want to speak about the story.”
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Awareness campaign
Stats SA also revealed that approximately 12% of children were either maternal, paternal or double orphans. Paternal orphans comprised 7.8% of the population, double orphans 1.8%, and maternal orphans 2.4%.
The majority of orphans were black Africans, with a high proportion of them as paternal orphans.
For the next 12 months, Black Dads Unplugged will have an awareness campaign and a podcast to shift the narrative around black fatherhood.
Including the inspired podcasts, the Black Dads Unplugged programme will have a four-part workshop series.
“The first one is the one we’re doing this coming weekend. We’re really launching this platform, and we’re bringing in a number of dads, step-dads, co-parents or anyone who identifies as a father,” shared Mzekandaba.
The two-hour networking session will be hosted at Ekurhuleni East Campus in KwaThema. The CEO chose the southwest of Springs township because that’s where he grew up.
“It’s important to plough back where you come from before you start ploughing into other areas. The next one will be in Gauteng, we haven’t decided [where] at the moment. But the other two are gonna be in Cape Town,” he said.
“This is the initial engagement, and the idea is to introduce the project and sustain it through our social media networks. Part of the programme will be mental health and fatherhood,” Mzekandaba said.
One of the speakers will focus on the mental load of being a father and addressing stigmas around mental health. “Also looking at practical coping mechanisms for emotional wellbeing for dads.”
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Public males figures
Public male figures such as The Muffinz singer Sfiso ‘Atomza’ Buthelezi and film director Akin Omotoso are part of Black Dads Unplugged, which Mzekandaba says helps amplify the movement’s message.
“They have a certain reach and influence. It also helps us shine a spotlight on the significance of fatherhood and encourages other dads to engage,” Mzekandaba averred.
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