Slee Ndlovu from 'The Real Housewives of Durban' ended her dinner on a high note after almost beating up Nonku Williams.

Nonku Williams from ‘The Real Housewives of Durban’ narrowly escaped getting beat up for talking about Slee Ndlovu behind her back | Picture: Instagram / @nonkuwilliams
The latest season of The Real Housewives of Durban (RHODurban) came to a dramatic close as the women wrapped up the season with a dinner to mark the end of Slee’s trip. Though the dinner ended with two women almost coming to blows, the episode was filled with a lot of bickering leading up to the moment.
At the beginning of episode 12 of The Real Housewives of Durban, Annie mourned the loss of her friendship with Jojo in a conversation with Slee, claiming that she was angered by the fact that she trusted Jojo.
She highlighted how friends had betrayed her in the past and she had resolved to no longer enter into new friendships. Annie said she considered what happened with Jojo a lesson to no longer go against the promise she made to herself about friendships.
Maria then took Jojo on a boat ride in an effort to get through to her about Nonku allegedly being a bad influence on Jojo.
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Jojo absolutely refused to hear Maria out and said that she would defend Nonku to the ends of the earth. She then ended her friendship with Maria and told her to “kiss my ar*e” before storming off.
During their own afternoon out at the beach Sane and Annie, Sorisha recounted how Jojo, Nonku and Ruan kept allegedly yelling the phrase “botched” at Maria in a different outing a day earlier, indicating that her appearance had been ruined by plastic surgery.
The women also decided then that they were done with the trio.
Take two for Slee and Mbali
The last time Slee and Mbali met on The Real Housewives of Durban, it resulted in an outburst by Mbali after Slee told her that Nonku had been talking badly about her behind her back.
Slee invited her over once again with the hopes of things ending on a better note this time around and it did.
Elsewhere, Nonku, Jojo and Ruan had a hot-tub pow wow with another friend of theirs named Siya where a gift was delivered for Nonku. She excitedly accepted the package thinking that it was from her boyfriend only to discover that it was from Slee. In a show of defiance, she then threw the package into the hot tub and refused to open it.
Siya and Ruan opened the package for her and went through the items which she scoffed at.
The following day, Slee, Sorisha, Annie, Maria and Sane met for a picnic where Maria informed the other ladies of how her meeting with Jojo went.
Maria then told The Real Housewives of Durban group about the comments that Jojo made about her lips and the group spoke about how they were choosing to no longer be friends with them.
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Slee then said they could “kiss my a** or suck my d**k.”
Elsewhere, Jojo and Nonku caught up about her relationship and Nonku opened up about how apprehensive she was feeling about taking things to the next level with RD (Dumisani Ndlazi, affectionately known as Rough Diamond).
The last supper
Despite all the animosity, the women attended a final dinner of The Real Housewives of Durban trip hosted by Slee.
They arrived, dressed to the nines, and took their assigned seats. Sane was the only cast member not present after choosing to stop putting herself in situations that ended in conflict.
Slee then checked if Nonku had received her gift and she said, in front of the group, that she chose not to accept it.
The host then attempted to mediate the tense situation by asking everyone to share their feelings.
Annie then got the drama started by stating that she was confused about why she was dining with snakes, adding that she felt as though there were people at the table who owed her an apology. She quickly followed up by stating that she did not need the apology and that she forgave her transgressors regardless.
Slee then asked the women at the table to state publicly whether they felt they were owed an apology or would like to apologise to someone.
Mbali was the first to apologise to Nonku for her part she played in their altercation but stated that she felt she had the right to defend herself against the bad things that were said about her.
Nonku also extended an olive branch to her, sharing her wish to get to know her without any outside influence.
The ladies privately mused in their The Real Housewives of Durban diary sessions how insincere they felt the moment was.
Mbali then confronted Nonku about how badly she spoke about Slee behind her back, illustrating why she felt the way she felt about her character.
Watch: The Real Housewives of Durban – The last supper
Nonku then addressed Slee directly, stating that she was not going to defend herself, once again hiding behind religion. She then mentioned an unnamed friend claiming that Slee borrowed clothes, money and a car from that person.
Speaking in her diary session, Sorisha indicated her disappointment in Nonku for saying that about Slee when Nonku herself left a trail of unpaid debts and bills behind her that Sorisha was aware of.
“It’s shameful because she has done the exact same thing to people that I know. I’m bringing that to [the] reunion baby,” said Sorisha in her diary session.
In her diary session, Slee revealed that there was so much that she could say about Nonku but she chose not to because that is the kind of person she was.
During the dinner, she then charged across the room in an attempt to fight Nonku before production pulled them apart.
She concluded the episode, and the season, by saying that she regretted acting out of character.
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