Khuli Chana debuts MahambaYedwa video

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By Citizen Reporter


The multi-award winning rapper Khuli Chana is back with his second musical offering for the year.

At 12pm today Khuli Chana debuted the music video for MahambaYedwa_Motsipe. The song was released earlier this year as a free download for fans. The music video will make it’s television debut tonight on popular  music show Live Amp. The video was shot in Cape Town and directed by Kyle Lewis, who also worked on Chana’s 9 shots video. Late last year Chana was shot at 9 times by SAPS officers, in a case of mistaken identity.

Chana went on to lay charges against the police who were involved but the charges were withdrawn. He then sued the minister of police.

Take a look at the MahambaYedwa/ Mo Tsipe video:

Khuli Chana - Mahamba Yedwa/Mo Tsipe (Official Music Video)


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Khuli Chana music rapper

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